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Thursday, September 29, 2011



Sweater- Zara (gift)
Necklace- gift
Shirt- Papaya
Skirt- Petite Sophisticate (thrift store)
Boots- DSW

There's probably one outfit a week that really makes me go WHOOPIEEE! I think that this is the one for this week. One of my friends commented that these colors look like the Gryffindor colors. It's true. I like this shirt a lot because even though it was cheap, it doesn't look cheap. It's funny because the easier outfits to put together, the less trendy ones feel more Dorothy. More me. My pencil skirt loose shirt combos never fail me.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011



Shirt- Basic Editions by Kmart
Dress- H&M
Boots- Van Eli (thrift store)

Pretty pretty fairy dress. That's what this is. I feel like a fairy puhrincess. I don't think that this is the most flattering cut on a dress. The sleeves are kind of saggy and the waist definition isn't noticable enough to be flattering but it's cute. It's a cute dress. The boots counteract the girly feel of the dress but I almost wish I could have worn my trench coat with it but again… THE WEATHER. STYOOPID HUMIDITY. Oh well.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011



Shirt- attention by Kmart
Shoes- American Eagle Outfitters (thrift store)

Statement alert! Statement alert! Statement skirt alert! I lubb tribal prints, especially in fall because I'll stand out in a sea of jeans and tees and hoodies. This whole outfit is a statement and the skirt makes the normally unnoticeable stripes in the shirt a statement. My only honest issue is with the fact that the band that highlights my waist in the skirt is a little wide, so it doesn't do as good a job at creating curves, but I'll let it slide because of the trendy peplum and the cool print.



Sweater- Zara (gift)
Top- The Limited (Beacon's Closet)
Jeans- JCPenney
Shoes- DSW

13-year-old wearing heels. Brings up a lot of stereotypes, doesn't it? Not mature, not acting her age, tripping. A lot. Not me. I don't care about the looks or frankly about what people see me like in general. Really, why shouldn't people my age wear heels? (Now, if you're going to say "because it's stressful on the delicate joints in the foot", then I want you to go sit in the corner.) Now that we've gotten that little disclaimer away, let's talk about the outfit. I woke up superlate this morning and had to find something to go with my shoes. This is that something. It's very simple. Very very simple and I hope people perceive it as simple elegance and not "forgot-to-put-together-outfit-before-time-and-is-now-suffering-the-consequences-of-a- horribly-boring-outfit". Anyways, on that note, I must add that the shoes are incredible. I'll stop talking them down. Shiny gray patent leather pumps? Yes to the please.

Sunday, September 25, 2011



Shirt- AQUA Maritime
Skirt- thrift store
Shoes- American Eagle Outfitters

This picture- as they always are- is super cool. I took it while I was taking a walk because I have been TRAPPED in the house for one and a half days straight and I think I was going a little crazy there. I have a thing for pencil skirts. It's the truth. When I see them I instantly think classy, elegant and refined. Because they really are. This look is very Parisian. Or American. Whatever flag you want it to be. It's really just something that I threw on but it's very polished. I love. On a cooler day, this would totally work with a trench coat or a blazer and leggings. I could even wear a beret if I wanted to play into the Parisian feel. I don't know how literal that would look, but that's why I have to try it on. TRY. IT. ON. That's my motto. If someone says, "Um… I like this dress but I'm not sure if it's me". Try it on. And don't think about it too much. If you think you look good, you most likely look good.


Clothes: (LOL I don't really think anybody cares but whatever. It's my blog.)

Shirt- Lucky Brand
Shorts- Kmart

Sick day! Sick day! I was so exhausted that I spent the entire day wearing last night's pyjamas because that's how grubby I really am. Nah just kidding but still, I didn't wear actual clothes today but I thought that it would be kind of funny if I posted a picture of my lovely pyjamas. Anyways, since the only trend I have to talk about in this "outfit" is fuzzy polyester pyjama shorts and cotton tee shirts with giant peace signs on them, I'll spare you it and end this post by saying ACHOO!

Friday, September 23, 2011



Jacket- Forever 21
Dress- Uniqlo
Belt- Probably got it from Kmart when I was six years old
Boots- DSW

My outfits for the past few days have been kinda "ehhh…." like I'm not really sure if I like it that much by the end of the day. And no fabulous female should feel that way. This outfit is different. This outfit is SPEWING fabulousness (or fabulousity). Also this picture is a particularly good one of me. In my last one I looked like a drowned rat (not my fault. It's hard to find time in the morning to dry my hair…) Aaaaaaanyway back to the outfit. This dress is so cuh yoot. It has sort of a preppy feel, but adding clashing elements like a fancy belt (dare I say the word? fancy. *shiver*) and some really clunky boots make it super interesting. I ADORE IT. However, with this awful humidity, I was sorry that I wore boots that were so high and long sleeves. Oh well, even if I smell like I've been sweating- which I have- at least people can think for a second how good I look before they wonder if I've ever heard of deodorant.

Thursday, September 22, 2011



Necklace 1- gift
Necklace 2- also gift
Shirt- thrift store
Jeans- Urban Outfitters
Boots- vintage

I love strutting in these boots! With the miniheel, they take it to runway strutting. This picture is kinda funny because in the background, there's the Chanel advertisement and it says "Chanel Bleu" and the main color in this outfit is blue!!! HAW HAW. Gahhh I can't concentrate 'cause I'm watching Project Runway. It is so cheesy with the "who do you think should win this challenge" and Heidi Klum. I'd much rather be like Stacy London who's sooo amazing and has such a real, sarcastic, kind personality. I am OB SESSED. It's da twoof.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011



Necklace- Forever 21 (gift)
Shirt- attention by Kmart
Skirt- gift
Socks- aerosoles
Shoes- American Eagle Outfitters (thrift store)

Everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days, everybody knows what what I'm talkin' 'bout, everybody gets that way! Yes, I did just quote a Hannah Montana song but it's only because I admit it: I look horrible. I got the proportions all wrong and I accidentally walked out of the house looking like I was a school librarian. WHATEVER. Now here's Doctor Dorothy's recipe to cure a bad outfit- take a skinny jean, pair it with a slammin' top and a leather jacket and some fab vintage boots. Rest and eat lots of chocolate. At least that's my plan for tomorrow to remind people that I am indeed a teenager and not a freaky bag lady. I'll call this my bad day. If I ever run for president I will burn all traces of this picture until it is altogether deleted from the face of the earth. Oh well. I'll figure out how to work this skirt in a figure flattering way someday. Until then, forget that day 15 ever existed.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011



Dress- H&M
other dress (used as slip)- Jean Jones (gift)
Belt- thrift store
Boots- Van Eli (thrift store)

This morning I was doing one of my usual lets-pretend-that-I'm-famous fantasies in my head. I was imagining myself doing a seminar for women about appropriateness in their clothing and the word that kept coming up was the word "dressy". In my fantasy I HATED the word dressy. I really do. "Why are you so dressed up today, Dorothy?" "I really don't think you should wear that…" why? "it's too dressy" gahhhhhhhhh! I'm not dressy, people, I'm dressed. Unlike you in your sweatpants and gray hoodies. Where do you think you are… in bed? At the gym? 'Cause those are the ONLY places you can wear such an atrocious outfit. I am not dressy today. I'm just a sweet gal wearing a lacy dress and chunky boots. Not a chunky gal wearing sad, shapeless dress and flip flops.

Monday, September 19, 2011



Jacket- Papaya
Top- Terranova (gift)
Skirt- Forever 21 (gift)
Boots- Vintage


I think I'm Stacy London, if you're wondering *snicker snicker*. This is probably the first time this year that people have actually noticed how crazy cool I really can look when I set my mind to it. It's probably because it's such a body conscious look, for lack of a better word. I actually really don't like the term body conscious. Yes, I'm conscious of my body. Does that mean I should wear a figure hugging pencil skirt, v neck combination every day? NOOOOOOOO. Anyways I could stay on this train of thought for an hour, but I am so tireddd. In fact I'm falling asleep on top of the keybhjk ,hhhhjhgkjhhhhhhhhhhhhh



Jacket- Banana Republic (gift)
Necklace- Justice
Shirt- gift
Jeans- 7 For All Mankind (thrift store)
Shoes- Kenneth Cole Reaction (gift)

Okay. Fine. I made a mistake. You looked at this picture and you said ew. I can't help it though. These jeans are WAY. TOO. BIG. I spent the entire day re-tie-ing the back of them with a hair tie because I didn't have a belt. When I saw them in the thrift store I had to buy them. I mean, 7 For All Mankind jeans that sort of fit me? For $7?! I had to. I'm sure I'll discover it was a good purchase when and if I grow into them, but here's a little warning about fit for those of you whose growing time is up: don't get the jeans. Don't get anything unless it fits impeccably and makes you feel like a million bucks. Don't get it. I don't care if it's a vintage Chanel jacket or an Armani dress, or you're "scoring" it for $1. It won't make a difference when you get home and you realize the buttons pop every time you try to squeeze it on, or if it has huge yellow pit stains. If you don't love it, don't get it. You'll just get into a horrible cycle of "what if's". The only exception for this is when you're buying it solely for decorative purposes, because having beautiful things can make you feel beautiful.

Saturday, September 17, 2011



Shirt- thrift store
Tank top (underneath)- Old Navy
Skirt- thrift store
Shoes- vintage!

These are my fabulous vintage boots from Paris (pronounces pah-ri)! I apoligize to you if you're one of my friends who I've been ranting to about how much I love them and you thought you could handle listening to it. But now you've read this blog and basically you're about to drown yourself in the Hudson River to keep from listening to me talk about why the heel is the perfect height for me. They are FAB to the U to the LOUS. The only word to describe them. I was browsing in aerosoles and the cashier said that she loved my outfit- "very '60s or '70s" were the exact words I believe. At that moment- in my doofiness- I thought that she was saying that I looked like I was 60 or 70 years old (don't judge!) If you're still wondering what else she could've been talking about besides the age, please check yourself into a mental hospital. I guess I should talk about balence now. Mixing lace with a plaid skirt is so okay, it's not even funny. Pattern+texture=visual intrest. Two other things that add visual interest are color and shine. Mixing these with neutrals like jeans or plain cardigans can create an outfit.



Jacket- Papaya
Shirt- Old Navy
Pants- Hue (Beacon's Closet)
Shoes- Van Eli (thrift store)

Since I'm posting two on the same day, there's no point in doing two blogs in two days, let's say skipping one is my celebration for getting to the double digits (woot! 10th outfit!)

Friday, September 16, 2011



Jacket- Forever 21
Necklace- Forever 21
Shirt- Kmart
Pants- Dream Out Loud by Selena Gomez for Kmart
Shoes- aerosoles

It is the end of the week and I am EXAUSTED so my post is gonna be short and sweet (if you're wondering why I'm saying this on Thursday, it's because it's actually Friday. I wish I had some great explanation like that my shoes were run over by a truck but really, I just forgot). Point of this post: sometimes, you must be a minimalist. I don't care if your wardrobe is filled with leopard print pants and neon green pumps, sometimes you have to shine by not blinding people, if that makes sense. However tomorrow, which is really today, I made up for it by wearing electric blue corduroys which I will post tomorrow because my timing got screwed up and I haven't taken the picture yet… Gahhhhh I would say that I'm sorry but I know that the only one who cares is me. I'm TIRED. I think it's beddy time.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011



Dress: Jean Jones (gift)
Necklace: gift
Belt: thrift store
Shoes: Kenneth Cole Reaction (gift)

Okay, there I did it. Are you happy? You'd better be 'cause I'm not doing it again. (For the people who aren't socially challenged, that was a Disney Channel reference.) That jingle just gets to me, and not in the good way. Aaaanyways, shall we talk about the outfit or shall I talk more about television programs that eat away at childrens' brains until they turn into robots that say things like, "say whaaat?"? I vote outfit. This dress is so adorably chic. It kills me, but then when I think about the dress I think about how well it would go with my leather boots with the miniheel and then I get depressed because of this OBNOXIOUSLY BEAUTIFUL WEATHER. Where is my nipping at the nose weather? Where is ol' Jack Frost? I'll be waiting for him. Until then, the boots will be admired from afar as a single tear makes it's way down my cheek.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011



Shirt: JCPenny
Skirt: gift
Shoes: Pink Duchess (Beacon's Closet)

Oh photo booth, I love you for many reasons: impromptu photo shoots with friends, days when I look particularly gorgeous, or maybe even short animations that I do with my stuffed animals. But I never truely appreciated you as much as I do now. You see, over the summer, I had a lot of free time and the one thing that I loved to do was to take pictures of potential outfits. I have a folder containing 30 or so outfits to whip out when I have clothing block (it's like writers block, only it can be applied more in my life). This would be one of them. Wearing it right now as I'm writing this, I realize that my perception of it has changed. In the summer, it was an idea that felt very unapprochable, high fashion, runway. Now that I really look at the colors, it's not that at all. It's a mixture of hippie and modern that strikes a perfect balance. I love the top so much! The colors feel like a sunset and the embellishment makes me feel like I just picked it up at a bazaar in India instead of a rack at JCPennys. I love how cluttered the bust is, and how the bottom goes from purple to orange to blue. It's beautiful. Maybe I'm reading into it too much. Whatever. It's a pretty top.

Monday, September 12, 2011



Cardigan: Anne Klein
Dress: gift
Shoes: Deena and Ozzy (Beacon's Closet)

It seems like my camera is finally being a good girl (yes, she's a girl) and cooperating with blogger. This outfit was super last minute because the dress that I was supposed to wear, turned out to not fit completely in the straps. We'll have to shorten them later. Buuuut for now let's just say that I'm happy with the outfit. Some people say that you can't wear a shiny dress for daytime. I spit on them. You could wear a BALLGOWN for daytime with the right twists and add-ons. It's all about the intention. I say this about denim on denim as well and I say this about life. Intention is the key to a successful outfit. You could be wearing a garbage bag and shoes that made you walk like a duck, but if you wear them with purpose and intention, you might not look like a freak. I mean, you probably would, but there's a chance that you wouldn't.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Dress: Forever 21 (Buffalo Exchange)
Boots: Van Eli (thrift store)

Well here I am in the middle of the road, wearing an amazing dress and um… stopping traffic, so to speak. Because of the September 11th craziness, this road was mostly blocked off so I got a cool picture, though I have to say, I don't know why but the image is blurry… I shouldn't have said that… Now you're going to see every flaw in the photo. Oh well. Buuuuuut anyways WE GOT A NEW CAMERA!!! The pictures on it look amazing everywhere except on this website. I don't get it! On facebook they look great. On my desktop they look great. Why not here?? Ohhhhh what a world, what a world. Melts into puddle of fashionable goo. Years later, scientists will discover me and a couple of years after that learn that by rubbing Dorothy Goo on themselves, they can create a put together outfit in less than five minutes. The goo will be cloned and sold in jars for the reasonable price of $50 per tablespoon. Soon after, Canal street vendors learn that by mixing hot sauce with the urine of a female antelope, they can create a mixture that looks similar to the goo of a melted Dorothy. Man I'm tired.

Saturday, September 10, 2011



Necklace- Forever 21 (gift)
Shirt- Papaya
Jeans- JCPenney
Shoes- American Eagle Outfitters (thrift store)

AHAHAHA!!! I'm still internally cracking up at this picture. Even though I have some good ones, this is by far my favorite on this blog. It's my first weekend outfit too! It goes without saying that weekend outfits are supposed to be casual, but there's a fine line between a put together but casual look and sweatpants. Wait what am I saying? There's like a big fat monster line between those… It's not even a line anymore, it's a rectangle. A big rectangle. Like, a REALLY big rectangle… Um what I'm saying is that there are better options than sweatpants. It took no time at all to put together this necklace and this top. It was love at first sight. I love these loafers too. Funny story actually- I had been eyeing some shiny, cream, patent leather, $20 loafers from Forever 21 for the whole summer. I was sure I was going to buy them until one day, I went on the website to stare at them some more (yes, I'm that kind of an online shopper) and when I got there, they were sold out of the cream color!!! I was heartbroken until I went thrift store shopping in Pennsylvania, and I saw these! They weren't as shiny, but they had virtually no stains, even though they were cream (if you've had white shoes before, you know what I'm talking about). Best part? They were $3.50!!!!! So in the words of the obviously charming fellow who wrote this graffiti: "damn girl you finer than my motha".

Friday, September 9, 2011



Jacket- Kmart
Shirt- attention by Kmart
Skirt- Beacon's Closet
Shoes- Gift

When I heard that it was going to be in the 80s today I immediately thought of this skirt which I absolutely adore and am so excited to wear. My first thrift store item on this blog! It looks so great with greens and blues. This outfit makes me reminisce to about 3 days ago, when I didn't have to wake up at 6 in the morning and school was just a hazy memory. Though some people may find this outfit boring and some may find it crazy, I think it's perfect. Especially with my magenta backpack in the school bathroom mirror. Ha ha. I try not to look at my reflection too much because it seems vain to me when people crowd in the girl's bathroom, reapplying mascara and checking for zits. But when nobody's looking… well… You know.

Thursday, September 8, 2011



Jacket- attention by Kmart
Dress- Dream Out Loud by
Selena Gomez for Kmart

It was raining again today! Bummerrr. The shoes that I am wearing in this photo are- though practical- EXTREMELY EXTREMELY UGLY. I changed into oxford flats when I got to school. So now LET'S TALK ABOUT THE DRESS! With the jacket off, the dress stands fabulously on it's own. The leopard print and the ruching on the shoulders looks very uptown cool. In the winter it will look amazing with thick tights and boots. Though I know I should have been sad that summer is over, I was so happy that I would get to break out my long sleeves and my corduroys and my leather boots but instead we get this heavy downpour, and humidity as well which can only invoke one word- ick- and that is not a very fabulous word.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Jacket- Papaya
Necklace-Jane Diaz
Jeans-Urban Outfitters

I've been noticing that the introduction is the same in all of my fall magazines: "I remember when I used to go to school" blah blah blah "whole new me!" blah blah blah "buying a whole new wardrobe!" blah blah blah "we can still do that now even though we're old!". Give me a break. I don't need a whole new me. I'm perfectly fine as is. And anyways even if I do get new clothes it's for me, not to change how others percieve me. Anyways, today it was raining so I changed into leopard print flats when I got to school. Going with the saying "start the school year off with a bang", I'm going for a minimalist bang. A simple necklace, leather jacket, and thin top looks effortlessly cool. However when I arrived at school, I was disappointed to see that EVERYBODY was wearing jeans. Suddenly my effortless cool idea didn't seem so special. Whatever. At least I didn't pair mine with a Gap hoodie, Hollister tee and cross trainers *snicker snicker*.